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Musée de Montmartre

A museum showing the work of artists that lived and worked in Montmartre. After buying your ticket in the gift shop, you will enter a courtyard that almost makes you think you are no longer in Paris, with stretches of green grass, patches of flowers, and a little greenhouse style café. As I was there in February, they were still selling vin chaud (hot spiced wine), a nice touch to the welcoming ambiance. A stone staircase leads to a terrassed garden providing a softened view of the Paris skyline. The museum itself houses many beautiful works of art from the post-impressionism era. 

This was a museum I did not realize existed until I stumbled upon it with my friend while meandering through the winding streets of Montmartre. There were many things I liked about this museum. It was a very relaxed setting with something going on in each building of the campus. You could spend an hour here or four if you really wanted to extend your stay. If you are a fan of the post-impressionist era, and the works of artists like Lautrec, then you will really enjoy it. 

12€ entry adult; open on Sundays

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