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Dinner on the Eiffel Tower

For our 2-year anniversary of living in Paris, I wanted to celebrate it by doing something kind of special and maybe even slightly touristy. So, we decided to spend an evening on the infamous Tour Eiffel. Originally, we had wanted to eat at the restaurant Jules Verne, but it was under construction at the time so we went with the next best thing - Restaurant 58 Tour Eiffel. 


Overall, it was fun and I'm glad we did it. However, there were some drawbacks you should know about before you dive in. As you may know, security has been significantly beefed up under the Eiffel Tower for obvious reasons. There used to be a temporary metal grate sectioning off the perimeter of the tower to the main path ways and roads. Now, there are permanent glass partitions with legitimate security check points. I am glad the security is there, as it makes me feel safer going into such an iconic piece of architecture. But the other side of me feels like some of the magic has been sucked out of it. You can no longer stroll through the garden and fluidly underneath the tower like you once could. Nevertheless, you get in, and finding the kiosk to retrieve your tickets for dinner in the tower is relately easy. However, we arrived early and assumed we could go up before dinner to take pictures inside the tower and outside. However, they only let you up 15 minutes early, and when I say 'up' I mean to stand in a long line. This was in February, so I'm assuming it is much worse in the summer time. So, here we are, dressed nicely, standing in line freezing. I could go on, but I won't! Eventually you get up to the restaurant. It feels a little aren't greeted as warmly as you might be in a typical restaurant in the city. The service was extremely lacking and the food was average at best (although presented well, the taste was not there). However, I understood how they were able to charge what they did - the view was pretty wonderful and felt special. And, as we are no longer tourists, but residents, I can imagine this would be a great experience for anyone visiting. 


After dinner, we enjoyed the view from the outer deck and took in the views. Then we walked the entire way down and had a perspective of the tower we never had before. At one point, we even were on the stairs when the sparkle lights began. 


86€ adult; open on Sundays

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