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Avignon, Courthézan, & Aix, France / December 21-27, 2019

Day trip out to Avignon and close to Cha


Every other year for Christmas break, we go down to stay with my dad for a week in a small village outside of Aix-en-Provence. Typically, we do a couple of side trips to take advantage of being in the beautiful countryside. 


During our excursions, we had some delicious wines, foods, and saw some famous historic sights! We also got to enjoy some more sunlight compared to the gray days we had been having in Paris during the winter.


Château de Saumur



Restaurants :


Sights :

  • Grand Théâtre de Provence (Aix-en-Provence) - concert de Noël

  • Maison Miraflores - hat shop, 25 Rue des Tanneurs, 13100 Aix-en-Provence

  • Le Cellier des Princes, 758 Route d'Orange, 84350 Courthézon (Chateau-neuf du pape wine tasting)

  • Popes Palace (Avignon)

  • Avignon Bridge

A laid back day of grocery shopping, ope
Day trip out to Avignon and close to Cha
Day trip out to Avignon and close to Cha

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